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History of SCEC

In the beginning:

Kentucky Bible College had its inception in the late 1940s in Louisville, Kentucky. In 1954 the school purchased the old Kentucky Wesleyan College property in Winchester, Kentucky, thus providing a campus for Kentucky Bible College. During the time of operation in Winchester, Kentucky the school's name was changed to Southeastern Christian College.

The school operated at this location until 1979 when it was forced to close due to a lack of students and financial capabilities to continue operation.

During the approximately 30 years of operation of the school well over 3,000 students were served.

At the time the school was closed the teacher's salaries that were in arrears were paid from the proceeds and the remaining funds amounting to approximately $145,000 were used to establish Southeastern Christian Education Corporation (SCEC) in 1983.

The office of the corporation is now located in Harrodsburg, Kentucky. The address is "Southeastern Christian Education Corp. (SCEC), 476 Sparrow Lane , Harrodsburg , KY 40330" Congregations in Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Tennessee, and Texas are presently associated with the corporation.

SCEC was founded with the following objectives in mind:

- To promote Christian education and the training of men and women for Christian service.

- To provide grants and scholarships for qualified students who are seeking a Christian education.

- Through wise investments, to provide monies for the attainment of these objectives.

First board of directors:

The first Board of Directors was made up of the last Board of Southeastern Christian College, plus additional individuals nominated to serve as members of the same corporation which thereafter was to be known as Southeastern Christian Education Corporation.


The original Board of Directors consisted of the follwing at the first meeting: Jack Blaes, James Braxton, Kenneth Briley, Victor Broaddus, Harry Coultas, Cecil Garrett, Wm. Robert Heid, Hughes Jones, Richard Lewis, George Marsh, Terry Morrison, Harry Smith and Kenneth G. Stockdell, Sr.


The first meeting consisted of changing the corporation in both name and organizational structure and then implementing the re-organized corporate structure. Each year in August at the Corporation meeting, four of the Directors are voted in for a three-year period. A second meeting is for the Board of Directors to elect officers and conduct business of the Corporation.

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